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“Last Of The Aztec Riders” Now Out In Gehenna & Hinnon 002

Ah, another visit from the decidedly unpleasant Mr. Lovecraft.

                                                                               Ah, another visit from the decidedly unpleasant Mr. Lovecraft.


My biker horror story, Last Of The Aztec Riders, is out now in issue no. 002 of Gehenna & Hinnom Magazine. This story originally appeared in Deadman’s Tome. Many thanks to G&H editor C. P. Dunphey who was kind enough to accept LOAR and has been extremely supportive and friendly through the whole process, enough to even do a Q&A interview with me. That should appear shortly. I’ll shamelessly plug that too when it’s online.

A gentle warning to my more genteel readers: LOAR can be characterized as extreme horror. To put it bluntly, the story’s replete with blood and guts, cruelty, and a misanthropic view of life. A word to the wise, as the brother, that all knowing fellow from Dublin, would be saying if he were here and not laid under the old sod, lo, these many decades, but don’t be calling him a sod, you hear, for the brother won’t stand for any incorrect talk, not even six feet under.

For those who think they have the necessary intestinal fortitude, G&H 002 additionally features other stories, an interview, and an introduction from the editor. The table of contents is set forth below, along with a link to the website at the bottom. So, if you’ve got a strong constitution, go ahead and click the link:

Celebrating the Unknown: Introduction by C.P. Dunphey

Enquiries from the Abyss: Interview with Dark Fiction Author T.E. Grau


“Godmouth” by P.L. McMillan (Featured Story)

“Black Dog” by Max D. Stanton

“Death Carriage” by Matthew Penwell

“A Little Dead Thing” by John S. McFarland

“Vessel” by Ibai Canales

“Dry Bones” by Charles D. Shell

“The Nocturne of Manigault” by Joanna Costello

“Nothing but Dans, All the Way Down” by Konstantine Paradias

“The Power of Hate” by Hugh McStay

“Spidering Down an Alley” by Jeff Johnson


HINNOM MAGAZINE 002 Cover Reveal and Table of Contents

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