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June 20, 2021: Website updated and revised.

Mother’s Revenge Anthology Makes Bram Stoker Awards Preliminary Ballot

This comes under the heading of climate fiction.

This comes under the heading of climate fiction.

I previously mentioned the publication by Scary Dairy Press of Mother’s Revenge, an anthology of post-apocalyptic fiction that featured my story, Annals Of The Allred Clan, among others.  Scary Dairy’s publisher, Cin Ferguson, has just informed me that Mother’s Revenge is on the preliminary ballot for the Bram Stoker Awards.  The BSAs are presented annually by the Horror Writers Association for superior achievement in dark fantasy and horror writing. This is, of course, only a preliminary ballot with the final roster of nominees to be determined soon by the HWA. Nonetheless, even making the preliminary ballot represents a significant achievement, especially for an anthology, which frankly tends to sink like a stone. Mother’s Revenge stood out enough to be noticed among numerous other anthologies. That takes some doing, so let me dislocate my shoulder patting myself on the back and big kudos to Cin and all the other writers who contributed to the anthology. Wish us luck!

This last link is the freakiest of the bunch:

Tons of New Releases! Mud Season! Tenderbear Goes Apeshit! Mother’s Revenge!

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