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“Woe, Babylon Besieged” Published By Extreme Horror Mag Trigger Warnings

Artist:  John Martin

Artist: John Martin



















My H. P. Lovecraft pastiche, Woe, Babylon Besieged, is now online at Trigger Warnings, an extreme horror magazine published in Denmark that bills itself as “the lit mag that doesn’t give a shit about your sensibilities.” A big thanks to Executive Editor Raven Black for accepting the story.

This story was inspired by two sources:  a history of Mesopotamia entitled Babylon, written in the ’70’s by a British author named James Wellard (now completely forgotten), and a one off graphic magazine about the work of H. P. Lovecraft, recluse, racist, financial failure, and one of the greats in horror and fantasy fiction. Woe tries to recreate Lovecraft’s claustrophobic atmosphere of unimaginable threats beyond human comprehension combined with the horrid, gory, real details of ancient siege warfare. Like I said,Trigger Warnings is an extreme horror magazine and therefore this yarn is not for the squeamish. To those of you with sufficient intestinal fortitude (also known as “Camp Guts”) whose curiosity I might have piqued, please click on the link below.

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