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“Woe, Babylon Besieged” Back Online

Fall of BabylonWoe, Babylon Besieged, my H. P. Lovecraft pastiche, appeared in January 2018 in Trigger Warnings, an extreme horror magazine published in Denmark that went offline almost immediately afterward. Lo and behold, the story is now online again, resurrected through the miracle of the Internet, albeit in archival form:

This is free, but, reader beware, for horror fans only. Lovecraft loved to bring on the creepy and siege warfare in the Fertile Crescent was just as nasty and vicious as in any other era.

Note too please that this story will also appear in the next issue of the UK magazine Lovecraftiana, the Magazine of Eldritch Horror. I appreciate their interest in Woe. It just goes to show you that you can’t keep a good Cthulhu down!


Trigger Warnings






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