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End of ’21 Baltimore Trip Pix

So we went to Baltimore after Xmas and before NYE and guess what? The town was dead. Dullsville. No action. So what else could we do except go to the cemetery?


This is the memorial obelisk of Junius Brutus Booth, a renowned Shakespearean actor in his day, more well known now as the father of John Wilkes Booth.

JW BoothThe nearby low headstone is supposed to mark the grave of the traitor and assassin John Wilkes Booth. Both graves can be found in Greenmount Cemetery, well outside downtown, the first garden cemetery to be built in the US.

PoeThe tomb of Edgar Allan Poe, a fellow UVA alumnus and a great literary inspiration to me. Poe’s buried in the yard of Westminster Presbyterian Church in downtown Baltimore, very close to the Poe Museum. Other members of the Poe family are buried there as well.

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