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June 20, 2021: Website updated and revised.

Swamp Rat To Appear In Ghostlight Magazine


Good news! Swamp Rat, my bleak, dystopian tale of a future Florida where convicts are forced to hunt giant, mutated, savage crocodiles has been accepted by Editor Nicole e. Castle for publication in the Spring ’22 issue of Ghostlight, an annual magazine published by the Great Lakes Association of Horror Writers.

Ghostlight specializes in horror in all its guises, particularly for adult audiences and is open to most settings and themes, from historical, modern, supernatural, and even the future. Swamp Rat definitely fits within the science fiction horror slot. Like much of my fiction, my SF does tend toward the dismal side.

I’ll post a further update when the issue’s out. In the meantime, fear the future since you can’t avoid it!




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