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Melkart Unchained In The Mighty Sons Of Hercules!

Sons-of-Hercules-10-23Well, hot damn and wahoo, folks! Melkart the Mighty strides the earth yet again in his longest, most hair raising adventure to date, Melkart Unchained. This ancient tale of vile treachery and savage revenge is the centerpiece and longest story in The Mighty Sons Of Hercules, Cirsova Publishing’s first full-length publication (a big tip of the hoplite helmet to Paul Alexander for the acceptance).

As I’ve said before, O true believers, you cannot afford to miss the battling Bronze Age badass’s latest exploit. It’s got it all: slave rebellions, incest, a cyclops, poison, invading barbarian hordes, a manticore, crucifixions, a climactic gory battle, why, it would even have a kitchen sink if they were around back then! It’ll keep you on the edge of your seat and wanting more at the end.

Melkart Unchained has been reviewed by Victoria Silverwolf in Tangent Online:

“Although it contains a fair amount of fantasy content, the story is most notable for its convincing depiction of the remote past. The author obviously knows a great deal about the ancient world, particularly its military aspects. The work may appeal best to readers of historical fiction and war stories.”

TMSOH is available either on Kindle or in paperback. I can’t recommend this anthology enough simply because it features the best darn Melkart story yet. You’ve been given the word, O true believers. Hie yourselves to the links below:


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