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Space Opera! – Pocket Lord Of Luna in Planetary Stories

Shelby Vick is engaged in a valiant effort to revive the space opera SF subgenre with Planetary Stories. In that vein, my story The Pocket Lord Of Luna appears in Issue No. 29 for October 2013.

By way of background, the year before last, I attempted to write a space opera novel entitled Ring Of The Autocrators. Set six hundred years in the future, the main premise was that the inner solar system was ruled by seven “autocrators,” superhuman, near immortal creatures with the power to make anything out of nothing by sheer will alone(to “autocrate”). Along with their subjects, the Autocrators live in an enormous ring of transparent plaz which circles the Earth in space (the “Ring” of the title), each Autocrator in his or her own independent zone. Restored to pristine beauty, the Earth is kept almost uninhabited. Mars, the Moon, and the asteroids, however, have their own special residents. Pocket Lord relates how a megarich man in his own lunar pleasure pod discovers the cost of hubris to his bitter regret.

Alas, the novel didn’t work out, but I did get a couple of short stories from the premise. If the tale sounds interesting, please follow the link below and read it for free:

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