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June 20, 2021: Website updated and revised.

Doug Allen “Steven” Tribute

I think this captures the spirit, but that's about it. I still can't draw.

I think this captures the spirit, but that’s about it. I still can’t draw.                                                                               

Doug Allen is a cartoonist who did the Steven comics from the late ’70’s well into the ’90’s for various alternative newspapers (pre-Internet when they still a thing). They were collected and put out as comic books by Kitchen Sink Press in eight volumes. I’ve been rereading a bunch of them lately, laughing myself sick like a little kid in the process.  Steven is the ultimate in antisocial humor. Allen has apparently quit doing Steven as far as I can tell, which is a darn shame. Since I can’t get any more from him, I made my own drawing of Steven as a poor substitute.

If anybody thinks this is crude and childish, I agree, but also think you should eat some paste.



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