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“High On Mexican Lucky” Published In Story And Grit



High On Mexican Lucky is the ninth short story featuring Alec Pargrew, cowhand PI. Stories about Alec have previously appeared in crime magazines like Yellow Mama, Thuglit, Suspense Magazine, and Noir Nation. High is the current lead story in Southern Grit, an online magazine that focuses on “Southern Fried Crime.” I got the idea for this story a couple of years ago when I couldn’t escape this Top Ten song called Up All Night To Get Lucky. Putz that I am, I misheard the lyrics and thought the guy was singing “He’s high on Mexican Lucky.”

This raised the question in my mind:  if there was a drug called Mexican Lucky, what would it do? I came up with something that could hit you one of six ways, with croaking deader than hell being one of the options to add that exciting element of risk to spice up the experience. The story just naturally grew from there. The picture above by yours truly is the cover art and hopefully conveys being high out of your mind on Mexican Lucky (albeit crudely) .

If this interests you and you’d like to give the yarn a read, you can do it for free by clicking the link below:

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