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June 20, 2021: Website updated and revised.

Salome’s Swinging Sideman, The Lewd Lutist

The inspiration for this came from Aubrey Beardsley’s illustrations for Wilde’s play, Salome, specifically the Dance of the Seven Veils drawing. I even copped Beardsley’s icon signature. Any resemblance between this character and Gene Simmons from Kiss is entirely coincidental. And to any boomers out there wondering, yes, he is indeed playing a scorching, […]

Don’t Mess With Lady Luck!

I got a new fine point pen and went somewhat nuts with it last night. Unfortunately the image is just slightly too big for the scanner.

Herakles Battles Geryon

Clad in the invulnerable Nemean lion skin, Herakles closes with his foe to deliver a killing blow. Another tip of the old Corinthian war helmet to Eric Lundquist for providing the model.

Melkart Versus The Horrible, Palpitating, Limb-Ripping Zilchtron!

Also known as the Bird-Monster of Nineveh (a distant ancestor of the Birdman of Alcatraz). Note, true believers, how Melkart the Mighty approaches the fearsome, glad handing beast with his usual cool, calm, and collected manner. A big tip of the hat to Mr. E. Lundquist for providing the model for the Phoenician Powerhouse. ‘Nuff […]

Scythian Stag

For purposes of comparison, this is the model that I used for the drawing:




Gong Hei Fat Choy

Or Happy Lunar New Year!


Swamp Rat To Appear In Ghostlight Magazine

Good news! Swamp Rat, my bleak, dystopian tale of a future Florida where convicts are forced to hunt giant, mutated, savage crocodiles has been accepted by Editor Nicole e. Castle for publication in the Spring ’22 issue of Ghostlight, an annual magazine published by the Great Lakes Association of Horror Writers.

Ghostlight specializes in […]

End of ’21 Baltimore Trip Pix

So we went to Baltimore after Xmas and before NYE and guess what? The town was dead. Dullsville. No action. So what else could we do except go to the cemetery?

This is the memorial obelisk of Junius Brutus Booth, a renowned Shakespearean actor in his day, more well known now as the father […]

“Melkart And The Mithras Miracle” Out In Savage Realms 6

Dig it, true believers! The latest tale of the Towering Tyrian, Melkart And The Mithras Miracle, is out in Book 6 of Savage Realms Monthly. This is especially apt since it’s in time for the Immortal Sun’s birthday (25 DEC).

Savage Realms is a fresh new magazine publishing old school hack n’ slash stories […]

It’s Beginning To Look A Lot Like The Sun’s Birthday

I’m getting into the holiday spirit (some holiday, take your pick) with my portrait of Ahura Mazda, the old god of light himself. In other words, at the risk of seeming sentimental and a little in advance of the date, I just want to wish you all a Hairy Mithras AND an Ahura Mazda!

